
If you're not on this list, please don't take it to heart. I am thankful for each and every one of my family and friends. I just wanted to take some time to give special attention to people who have made this possible (I'll try to keep it short):

Mom & Dad - Though difficult to deal with sometimes, they have taught me to step forward and lead as an older brother.
Johnson - We fight a lot, but when we don't he's a great help.
Jimmy - As awkward as you are, you've got the weirdest sense of charm and good luck ever.
Eva - She makes some of the cooliest posters ever! Without her, I'd be without advertisements for tournaments!

Angela - Your support and love have pushed me to become the best that I can be.
Long -Thanks for sticking by me through thick and thin. We sure have been through a lot...

John Huynh - Thanks for helping me out with the first 3 Street Fighter 4 fliers!
Nicole Wood & James Kremer - They have invested by far, the most time in my restaurant without compensation. They deserve to be the epitome of what it means to be dedicated to what you love to do.
Tom Hoang - Thanks for setting up and running Street Fighter tournaments to my restaurant!
Stephen Kelley - Thanks for setting up and running Super Smash tournaments!
Chandara Chea - Thanks for setting up and runningYugioh tournaments!